Matching solar renewable energy with efficient phase change cooling

  • Singapore’s average sun exposition is 4 hours per day
  • On an average day, 3000m2 of panels can capture 3MWh -10MWh. On a clear sunny day, it is up to 20MWh
  • Our integrated technology will catch this daylight energy and store in in the floor to maintain the desired latent temperature of the PCM material in an under layer below the “top layer”.
  • A full “latent” cold charge of a 10cm thick layer of PCM can maintain the facility cooling for 2 to 3 days without sun.
  • The excess electricity produced can be resold to the grid.
  • We design the PCM container to help channel and store waste heat

The coolant tube network integration to “adjust” the ice layer temperature for the suitable cooling effect

What are phase change materials or PCM?

The operating principle of PCMs takes advantage of the modification of their state due to changes in temperature.

As the temperature increases, the PCM passes from the solid to the liquid state, thus, absorbing and storing energy.

The operating principle of PCMs takes advantage of the modification of their state due to changes in temperature

When the temperature increases in the day, the material can absorb the heat from the environment to store as energy and release energy to cool down the temperature of the room.